Tuesday, April 02, 2013

A Heavy Young Heart

Some of you may remember these posts from my old blog. After all this time, their messages still hold true. 

Monday, February 22, 2010

The Difficulties of School

When I hear the same material everyday everywhere I go, I get dulled to it. I want to do what God has asked me to, but it is hard when we are being brainwashed to think the same way. Everyday we teenagers are bombarded with beliefs and lifestyles of all kinds. People want us to live, think, act, and believe like they do, but it is not just in school. Everybody wants everybody to think and act like they do, to a certain degree.
Think about it. We Christians want everyone to believe what we do. Our motivation might be different. However, the concept still remains true.
So what do I do when another peoples beliefs are shoved on me? For the last week I have brought my bible to school, and when I hear others talking about subjects they should not or doing things they should not. I grab my bible and begin reading. It works! Then ask God to help you through the remainder of the day to make the right choices according to his standards.
You don't have to read your bible though, right then anyway. In many places bibles are not allowed. However, still find some way to get your mind off of the words you know that you should not be hearing, pray for the person spouting off, even if and especially if it is you.
God Bless!


Sunday, February 21, 2010

Sharing the Experience

I just got home from telling our church about my experiences on the trip mentioned in "A Thirst For God". Our youth group stood in front of the church and told the highlights of the weekend. The trip like i mentioned was awesome. The theme was putting God first and getting rid of the things keeping us from God. You know, that thing we all have, that we tell ourselves we need to stop or do less of, but we end up going back to it when things get bad or we get bored. We all have that one thing or things, and I still struggle with mine, but I've prayed about it and I am beginning to see just how useless and meaningless those things are.
Is there something you struggle with. Ask God to keep thoughts of that thing from popping into your head, and instead of doing that thing, whatever it might be, replace it with time with God.
The last thing we did, after hearing the last message after praise and worship, was the leaders handed us all a paper bag and told us that whether you physically or symbolically put something inside to get rid of whatever is hindering us from spending time with God.
Whether it is the music you listen to, movies you watch, the people you spend time with, the games you play, etc, anything can be a distraction. Listen to the words in the music, the content of the movies and games, and the way your friends act. If it or they do not seem to be in the will of God, then they are not good for you. Get rid of it/them.


Saturday, February 20, 2010

A Thirst for God

For all of my fellow children of God, I went on a youth trip last Thursday through Sunday, and WOW the Spirit of God hit me. I had felt that feeling before, as though I was high on God, but this time I am using it. I am finally opening my Bible, I am praying throughout the day, I have changed my outlook on the people around me, and I have changed my attitude altogether. IS THE POWER OF GOD GREAT OR WHAT!!!
Like i said before I have had this feeling before, but it has never lasted so long. You know when it feels like God is so far away, but in the back of your head you know it is you who is avoiding Him, well that is how i have felt for the last year if not more. This time, instead of letting that joy and excitement I feel fade, I am embracing it by really reading the Word and afterward asking God to reveal and help me understand what i have read and getting to know God. So far He has answered my prayers. GOD IS GOOD! Sharing all of this excitement i feel can be tough though.
But, the challenge is not at home or at church, the hardest place to stand for what you believe in, especially when trying to change who you are for the better, is at school, work, or any other place where you see the same people everyday and have to try and explain the sudden change, or, if someone asks, why you believe what you do or the way that you believe, explaining that. Perhaps someone says that you can't act a certain way because religious expression is prohibited.
We aren't called to act like the world. We are called to be aliens to the world, because this is not our home. Our home is with our heavenly father. The world may see us as weird for living the the way we do, but who is more in the wrong the person who lives like the world, knowing its not in the will of the Creator or the one who is ignorant of the will of God. That does not mean that the other person is right, but should we not lead by example, and others follow the will of the Almighty throw us instead of the other way around.

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