Wednesday, April 03, 2013

My Place of Wonder

      This is one of my favorite places to go in order to draw, read, think, or write. I've seen this scene so many times, yet still I marvel at it's beauty. You may look at this picture and see nothing special, just muddy water and trees, but I see an escape, a paradise. This is where I escape life's worries and distractions. This is where I meet God.
    As I sit and watch the turtles play, hear the trees whistle, and smell the pleasing scents of nature in the spring, I think of the God who made these things. Did he create this scene for me, knowing I would some day come here to meet Him? If a tree falls in the woods, and no one is  around, who hears it? 
     It blows my mind when I imagine how infinitely miniscule we are, but God loves us. Like the trees one can walk through life never being noticed and appreciated for how beautiful they are. God cared enough to make each tree in the forest. How could we possibly imagine we are a mistake? We sit here in the balance between two infinities. 
     The universe is too big for us to wrap our minds around. We could never imagine the whole picture, as we are a part of it. The Earth is but a speck in the grand design, but as what lies in front of us and directly affects us, it is our universe.
     The microscopic world, likewise is infinite. Each time we think that we have found the basic building blocks of the material world, we dig a little deeper to find a whole new world on the tip of our pen. We go on living unaware and unconcerned with this world. We are so proud to think we are the Gods of the micro-verse. 
     We are here dangling in the wind. I don't need faith to believe in God, but to think this was all an accident, your imagination is greater than mine my friend.

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