Thursday, April 04, 2013

Fast Fed Kids Get Hick-ups

During so many praise concerts, sermons, classes, study groups, and revivals that I have been to, the speaker will ask anyone who wants to give their life to Christ to repeat a prayer after them without any definition of "Savior", "repentance", or "Christian." They leave without any direction for their viewers, without instruction on what to do afterward. 
I fear if I had not grown up in such a loving Christ filled home that the idea of an "all-powerful Heavenly Father" would turn me off to the whole Christian faith if I had a father at home who beat me or who selfishly abandoned me.  I might think the idea of "peace toward man" is a fairytale for those who never have had to fight for what they have or protect, a mere tool that others have used in the past to get what they want from me. I may think that "repentance" is just another word for sorry or that "right" is a variable term. I would say to myself, "Eternal life? But i can hardly bear the short life I'm given."
We are in trouble, Church. We wonder why strangers and even our close friends don't listen and understand. We wonder how they can't comprehend.
Think about yourself for a minute. How much had to be explained to to each of us before we understood "eternity","love","peace", "joy", "redemption", "salvation", "Heavenly Father", The Word", "Eternal life". Did we not first have to be spoon fed? We people of the church still can't grasp the magnitude of God and the depths of His love; yet we try to explain Him, in less than an hour, to a multitude of teens who have grown up in a perverse, sinful, Godless world, the likes of which the prophets would have shuttered at the sight of. God cannot be condensed. If we rush God, then we can only expect those who hear us to do the same. We move our relationship with God to a small contained 10 minutes at the end of the service. Our listeners will do the same in their daily lives.

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