Monday, August 05, 2013

What One Finishes Another Begins

     Have you ever felt at a loss, as though no future is written for you, as though one day soon your life will end as abruptly as it began, as though there is no point to strive for, for you will never live to see your goal completed. Like a ghost it haunts me, no day for rest. I can not escape this mindset.
     The future exists no longer. There is only now, and my past to dwell upon. But will i use my experiences, though the path ahead lays unlit. Will I survive; If so, what more will be achieved. The fate of tomorrow, if ever the sun looks well upon it, is our destiny to accomplish. But destiny though written is my choice and yours with me. Together we can write our fate, the fate of humanity, the fate of the Earth.
      If not for our own benefit, then our children's we will strive to the bitter end. For though their face we can not see and what destiny they will write for themselves, we can, if no less, provide them a bright beginning. The future its not here, but the past has been written in stone, and with it the future is paved, a guide and a warning to those who pave a new and better way.

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