Tuesday, February 25, 2014

The Trouble With Truth...

When did I become the bad guy,
"Keep your mouth shut," they told me,
"and your world will be the sky,"
"Speak the truth you know and keep
It a comfort to your soul inside."
And without a doubt, I did.
And without a doubt, no lies.
I uttered the words to the dead,
But the soul I told won't rise.

Giving Due Credit

     God is known for his powerful history altering works, but God works much more in our lives than we could possibly realize. God is subtle and exact, leaving nothing to chance, letting no detail fall from sight. At Jesus' birth, His only visitors were mere shepherds. Yet by these humble men, these "low of the low," he shared the message of His son's birth with the entire world. He was born in a city the equivalent of Dothan for its day, but from Bethlehem he arose to Jerusalem, Washington DC.
     But this does not even scrape the surface of how much wisdom and careful planning went into the human life of Christ. As Jesus came, He fulfilled hundreds of prophecies written down over five hundred years before his birth. God is in control people. He hasn't left; He is here watching over each and every one of us.

This year, let us reflect on all that God has given to us and how much we have given back to Him. Let us take a little time from our busy holiday schedules, to thank God for all He has done in our lives, give credit where credit is surely due.